

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to entertain people of all ages.

Wooden tiles.
A six year old, fifteen and seventeen year old all sat around a table playing with wooden blocks.
 But it was fun

 I take pictures at weird angles. not on purpose, I just don't hold my camera straight. :)

 my masterpiece. 

 Requires deep concentration.

 Lots of goofiness.

 And many crashes. 

All the towers collapsed. 
The end.


  1. How true. I've never joined my siblings for a good lego-master competition (um, legos don't make sense. . .), but we sure have had some crazy see-who-can-build-the-highest-tower-to-the-basement-ceiling-out-of-blocks competitions. Because blocks (or wooden tiles in your case) are the best invention since sliced bread. :)
    - Bethany

    p.s. I was reading your profile and you definitely are kindred spirit!! I happen to be the fourth sibling out of my nine siblings - although I definitely don't hunt. But guns are knives are awesome just the same. :) And I also can't play the violin for the life of me. Except for a rather hideous version of "Twinkle, Twinkle". ;)

  2. That's awesome! I love kindred spirits!!
    I enjoy reading your blog, Bethany! And I laughed so hard at your piano practice video. :) I be rather scared if anyone videoed me while practicing!


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