

Friday, November 6, 2015

Crazy Beautiful Life

I'm sorry I've neglected you, dear blog. Just been a bit busy, you know? 
I'm going to try to back up and highlight some events in October...
It started with a friday night dance class. And then my brother teaching me more swing dance in the living room the next day. SO much fun!! 
We went to a friends wedding on a thursday, it was so pretty! 
The day after was a rehearsal for a wedding I played violin in. -funny story, I asked like 4 people to play with me (because the songs were for two violins) and finally a friend said she could do it. We had a rehearsal together, and everything was looking good. Two weeks before the wedding she called me and said she couldn't play anymore. (this is when I start to freak out!) Thankfully, another friend from orchestra agreed to play with me, and he did an amazing job! Music wise, everything went really good!- So yeah, rehearsal friday night and wedding saturday! I had so much fun playing for "my" first wedding. :) And the wedding itself was beautiful! 

The next weekend was my brother's birthday (19!) and the college orchestra concert. I don't know if I've wrote this on here, but a local college has let me come play in their orchestra. It's been an amazing experience. And I'm so thankful for the opportunity! The concerts were saturday and sunday, we played Overture to Candide, Sibelius 2nd symphony, and the Lieutenant Kije suite.  
And all through October, I had orchestra practices at least twice a week, violin lessons (taking one and giving one!) and school (I'm learning Italian!) 
It's been crazy, but oh so beautiful! 
<3 Emily

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