

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The weekend

Wednesday we decided to go on a small weekend "vacation." Drive 6 hours for a friends graduation. We left Friday morning, and went to see friends for the day. Saturday we had breakfast with friends, and then went to the graduation party!
It was so much fun to see all our old friends and a lot of people thought I was my older sister! Friday night we had dinner with one of my best friends. We've kept up with each other through the years, and it was so awesome to have a chummy talk with her in person!!
We drove back Saturday night, and got home around 11pm. Nobody got to bed until after midnight, and the next day was church!  :)
We all woke up 30 minutes later then we usually do but still managed to make it to church on time!
And that afternoon our orchestra was playing for the academy's graduation.
That was a horrible idea! (taking three days off from practicing violin right before the performance.)
We played pomp and circumstance first. It went good, although we had to stop in the middle because the graduates were all on stage. Than Mrs. M provided us with a bag of suckers to pass around. (We were sitting in the very back so nobody could see us!) And my seat partner and I had a lot of fun trying to sneak the bag away from the concert master, who was probably in charge of it. :)
I wore my black heels because they matched my dress. They're only about an inch high. But I discovered that I do not like heels. They didn't hurt my feet... it's just impossible to walk quietly. I much prefer ballet flats, any day!
"Capriccio Espagnol" was the piece we played second to last, and it was... ok. Not great, but not horrible. "Jupiter" from the Planets, was awesome! It's a great piece, very slow and lovely.
Afterwards it was weird to say goodbye for the whole summer instead of just for a week. But I'll see some of them at string camp. (which I'm super excited about!) And one of the girls and I are going to be doing some duet pieces over the summer. It was going to be a quartet, but two of the people I asked couldn't do it. So it's a cello/violin duet. Which'll still be really fun!
Softball starts in one week! I'm really excited, as I love to play!

Here are some pictures of Chicago.. taken from the car, so they aren't great. :)

One of the funny things about Chicago is all the trains between the highways. 
We used to say "Hey batter batter, cake batter batter" whenever one went by. 
(I have no idea where that came from!)

 Tunnels are so fun to drive through!

 Bridge's even more so.
Landscape was very cool and fascinating, but I guess I'm just a country girl/small city girl at heart. :)
I would not like to drive in that. 

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