

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2014 Cold Water Challenge

Ok, YES, I'm crazy! Thank you! 
Now go jump in a lake. 

I challenged:
Serena Nottingham
Ethan Nottingham
Amber Collison
Bethany Bergmann
to jump in a lake/pond within 24 hours, or donate money to the charity of their choice. 
(I think I forgot to say that in the film, but that's the rule) 


It actually wasn't too bad! Kind of fun! 
But yes, very cold!!


  1. Hey - I've heard all about you! Sorry it took me forever to finally look up your blog. I can blame it on Bailey, I think. Maybe. Okay, no, that's mean. Yes, I procrastinate and I didn't have your address until today. I guess that's a good excuse?

    As for jumping in ponds/lakes...can you jump in for me? We only live by algae infested nastiness...and sewer water. :)

    1. Oh well, nobody else I challenged did it either. Sadness. Nope, can't blame it on your sister. That's no fun. (Wait, actually it is. Hurrah for sisters!) Haha!
      And just for the record, I already did jump in a pond. :)


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