I can't remember who said this, I'm fairly certain I read it on a blog (so, due credit to you if you said this) It was something to this effect: "Many girl's favorite music would be Justin Bieber *insert me googleing how to spell Bieber* or some other popular singer, but my favorite is Joshua Bell playing classical music."
Yep. That's me all over! I really like listening to Joshua Bell.
So basically, long story short, we went to a Joshua Bell concert today!!! It was AWESOME! He is so good on the violin, it's not even fair. (Ok, well, he has been playing for 42 years.....)
He played works by Tartini, Beethoven, Stravinsky and Rachmaninoff. Basically, really amazing composers and amazing pieces! We were in the balcony and pretty far away from him, so I brought binoculars. Yes indeed! I pretty much analyzed him and the violin the entire time. :) Haha!
His violin is really cool because it was made in 1713 in Cremona, Italy. Go here to read all about how it was stolen many times and how Joshua Bell came to own it. Very interesting!
The Beethoven sonata movement 4 was my favorite that he played. It was incredible listen to!
After the concert, I got his autograph and even shook his hand! :)
Picture taken with a phone, so it's kind of blurry.
But, that is Joshua Bell, in person, giving his autograph.
And me in the purple shirt with a silly grin on my face.
And me in the purple shirt with a silly grin on my face.
:) :) :) :)
I had that grin on my face for the rest of the day.
And just for the record, I'm not usually this hyped up about someone, but this was really cool!
Have a great night everyone!
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