

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I love the fall season! I love jeans and sweaters and boots. Oh, and the trees and leaves and sky and sunsets. :) 

It's been getting colder here. And I can't believe it's October tomorrow! 
I sprained my ankle on the 13th of September. I was on crutches for a week and than decided that my arms hurt worse than the ankle, so I started walking. Or rather, limping. It's been a little more than 2 weeks and it still hurts! Actually right now I'm doing a foot soak in Epsom salt and warm water. :) 
So... that's mostly what I've been up to. Or not up to. 

I think this will make you laugh: 
My Mom bought some turquoise blue eyeliner at Walmart, and I decided to put some on. Kind of more to see what my younger siblings would say more than anything. (because I haven't ever worn makeup)  Well, I was not disappointed! Lydia came up to me and started to ask me a question. "Emily, will you make me some....EMILY!!! What did you do to your eyes????" I started laughing!! Then she said "You look like a college girl!"  That made me laugh even harder! I thought it was really funny that she associates makeup with college girls. :) 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 3

Saturday the 6th, in Peoria.

Only in the movie though! We saw a 3D movie about sharks saturday afternoon. :) That was fun!

Than...the Cat museum.

Tractor brand Caterpillar, Cat for short.
(did you guess right??!!) 
 This is a remake of the 797 dump truck. It's like the worlds biggest dump truck. 

A whole museum about tractors and reviews about tractors and...

 tractor simulators! 

(with help from Dad!)

 Plus tractors to climb into! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 2

Day 1 and 2 in Peoria.
We went to a cute little coffee shop for some muffins. This was one of the signs. :) 

 Sat in some overstuffed chairs. These things were huge! 

 Read a cool book!
 Went canoeing! Nobody tipped over...yeah! 

We had a few races.... and there is still debate over who won the tie breaker. Or who would have won if someone hadn't pushed the other's boat. (I'm just saying!)

Next post will be about the Cat museum. Think you know what kind of cats???  
Yeah, think again. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Beginning of Vacation

Hi ya'll!
We've been on vacation, and got back on Tuesday. So that's kinda why I disappeared for a while. :)
We left on thursday (4th) for Peoria, IL. we stayed in Peoria until Sunday, than drove to St. Louis. As aforesaid, we came home on Tuesday the 9th. The 10th was my 16th birthday, the 11th we were gone all day to dr appointments and shopping. Because, the 12th was my birthday party.
For the next few posts I'm going to try and document our vacation day by day.

So, first things first! Thursday (4th) we were finishing packing and loading the van. I put my violin away for five days. (!!!) I think that is the longest I have gone (in like the past year) without playing my violin!

(Snacks for the trip. It's a family tradition to make "snack mix." You basically combine a whole bunch of crackers and cookies and eat them with dixie cups throughout the trip. for your information, we only ate about half of this stuff.) 

Pulled out of the driveway around 3 in the afternoon. Headed to G.T. South's restaurant. This place has the best baked beans and pulled pork sandwiches!
We stopped for the night somewhere about two hours south of Indianapolis. Holiday Inn Express... which everyone was excited cinnamon rolls!
Cool lamp in hotel room.

Friday we drove the rest of the way to Peoria. Walked by the river, than my dad had a long phone call for work. So the rest of us went to Jimmy John's for lunch.. Goodwill.. and I don't remember where else! Our hotel had a nice swimming pool so we used that quite a bit!

 Looking at a bug

 We did quite a bit of walking! 

 A couple dancing

 View from a really high hill overlooking Peoria

We were blessed with some great weather, only one night it stormed, but it was around high 70's to mid 80's pretty consistently! 

Friday, September 5, 2014


I read this post on the blog "Lies Young Women Believe," what christian guys think about makeup.
It's a good post, and a great blog. 
This one was my favorite "take" on the subject:
“Inward beauty is much more important than outward beauty (1 Pet. 3:4). That being said, I like it when girls take care of themselves. I like it when girls use makeup to enhance their natural beauty. In my opinion, if a girl does her makeup right, I shouldn’t notice it. The makeup won’t be distracting. Ultimately, it’s not about the makeup. It’s about your heart. 
If your focus is first on pleasing Jesus, and then you want to wear makeup, then great, go wear makeup.”

Mmm, good point! Ever walked down the cosmetics aisle in Walmart? I personally think it's a little ridiculous. Now, I love to paint my nails, and I wear chap stick all the time (to prevent cold sores, mostly.) and I will wear lip gloss when I play in concerts. Or go to weddings, etc. But, I haven't worn makeup in the "shape" of face creams and powders. As one lady I knew put it: "Most girls wear makeup to cover up acne. But all that powder on your face will just make it worse." :) True!
Wear makeup if you want to, but you are beautiful anyway!