Happy last day of January all! Only 1 month of winter left! (according to my Dad's calendar. which I might someday share with you)
This song below is awesome! Its for 3 violins, a cello, and a piano. (in case you can't read German.)
(at least, I think that's what it's written in...does anyone know?)
Anyway, I have been working on this song for almost two months. And I still love to play it!!
It is a piece that has really pushed me. It has lots of shifting, fast parts, and keeping tempo is *ahem* For some reason, my wonderful teacher likes to pull out the metronome for this piece... ;) Haha!!
And I've learned that there are two squeaky stages to playing the violin: When you first begin. (but you still think it sounds good ;) And then when you learn to shift. (and you don't think it sounds good, because you've been playing long enough to know when you sound, well, terrible.) And I sure there will be more squeaky times as I learn higher shifting. But it is fun, and challenging!
Kanon and Gigue by Johann Pachelbel
Interpreted, I believe it's pretty much Canon in D.
I had my first introduction to 32nd notes in violin. They are twice as fast as 16th notes, which are twice as fast as 8th notes, which are twice as fast as..... :) Get the point? They are fast!
Shifting....what can I say. Don't be scared!!
The only problem with this is the music would only print up the score. (which has all the parts for 1st, 2nd, 3rd violin, cello, and piano.)
So, I downloaded MuseScore (some free music writing program) Put the violin part on the computer, printed it, and now I don't have to flip pages while playing violin. Which is a task.
Because, this song is 7 pages long. But now I have it in 2 lovely pages! :)
Another plus, my song now has bigger print!
And then, I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. For half the batter, I put in Raisins, and the other half I did not. Can you guess if my Dad likes raisins or not?
I know this pictures make cookie dough look absolutely unappealing. Its because I didn't change the white balance on my camera. :)
This one is a little more true to color, but cookie dough is hard to get the color exactly right.
Cookies and milk. Wonderful winter snack!
I got the recipe off the Quaker Oatmeal box.
Have a great February first everyone!
P.S. I am trying out putting my name on my pictures. I like the look of it, but am still undecided. What do you think? Oh, and there are two different fonts throughout the pictures. I do not like the cursive one, and I'm not sure I like the other one either. So maybe different font? :)